You're familiar with them... Those people who put others down to try to make themselves feel better. Ultimately, are they happy? Now think about a time that you have done something good for someone else, thereby making them happy. Did it make you happy? True happiness does not come from being the best at everything, having the most of everything, and winning at every game you play. True happiness is much deeper than that. The wife who sacrifices going to get a pedicure so she can go to that ballgame her husband wants her to attend with him ends up with a better feeling than what a pedicure can give simply by knowing she was able to make her husband happy. Likewise, the husband who stops to buy his wife some flowers on the way home from work when he really just wants to get home and get out of that suit receives a happier feeling when he sees how much it means to his wife.
Zig Ziglar often said, "You can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." Try doing an intentional act today to make someone else happy. You'll be amazed at the benefits you receive as well.
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