Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cheer Up! An Anti~Depressant with Positive Side Effects

With the pressures created by today’s economy, even typically happy people are fighting depression.  For those who already struggle with clinical depression, some of these added stressors may be more than they can handle.  So how do you alleviate the symptoms without the many side effects caused by antidepressant medications?  Psychotherapy has shown to be a successful method of decreasing depression, and when combined with antidepressants it can be even more successful.  But emerging research is turning to exercise as a treatment for many forms of depression. 
How does moving your body correct your mind?  Both psychological and physiological effects are being studied.  Psychologically induced improvements can be explained by changes in the body creating increases in self-esteem which, in turn, cause the individual to feel happier and more confident.  Another confidence booster is the sense of mastery that is created by accomplishing goals. 
Now for the physiologically scientific explanations…  Depression is a disorder in the brain that is caused by levels of chemicals, namely neurotransmitters such as beta-endorphin, serotonin, and dopamine, being out of whack.  These neurotransmitters are linked to mood and pain interpretation.  When you exercise, these chemicals are transmitted and secreted at a much faster rate.  This reaction may normalize the levels of the chemicals in the brain causing mood to increase and, thus, depression to decrease.  Although exercise may not take effect as quickly as antidepressants, after 16 weeks of continuous exercise it may reduce major depression equally as effectively as antidepressant medications.    Plus, exercise has many added benefits!  If you’re worried about side effects of medication, the chief side effect you may experience from exercise is fitting into those skinny jeans again.  It’s a win-win situation! 
Are you ready to get started but don’t really know where to begin?  Lace up those walking shoes and hit the pavement.    Cardio exercise and strength training have equal effects.  So whether you hit the weights in the gym, take up a kickboxing class, or walk the dog around a few blocks, the key idea is that you get moving!
 The only rule:  Don’t overdo it!  Overtraining can cause an adverse effect, so be sure to start slow.  Find an activity you will enjoy, and consider teaming up with a friend or hiring a personal trainer.  Whatever method you choose, get moving!

For More Information, check out these resources:

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